It wasn't this version, but I had this song on a little 45 record ( Wiki link for you young folks) when I was little. It's pretty catchy, as you'll discover later today when you find yourself humming it. But more memorable than the melody were the messages: Just Sing. Make it Simple. Don't worry. There's a reason All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten was such a hit. There are times, as adults, we make things more complicated than they need to be. If we go back to the basics, we may find the answers we are looking for. As writers, it may bring Joy to our writing when the going gets tough. Just Sing Songs sung from the heart touch us. Our writing begins there as well. Writers have stories deep inside that they want to get out and sing--maybe in private, maybe to an audience--but the "songs" are there. When we begin, we need to let go of our expectations of the end result and just enjoy the words eager to rush out and make o...
Edit your excuses! Stay happy, healthy, and creative.