The simplest writing advice, and possibly the best, is some verson of Keep Your Butt in The Chair. With your butt in the chair, you have nowhere to go but to the screen or to the page. If you've set aside your time, and you have finally made it to your writing space, you should be halfway there. Your writing potential is suddenly alive and well. Your butt is in the chair. Hmm...that Excuse Editor lady says this is the best advice-- so where's my great writing?!? DISTRACTIONS Take a look at where your fingers and eyes travel once you sit down: "You've got Mail!" How can you ignore that little envelope on the screen? It could be really, really important... "ThatChickYouMetThatOneTime is Following you on Twitter, or SomeDudeFromHighSchoolWhoNeverTalkedToYou wants to be your Friend." Tweets and Posts are like potato chips, you can't stop with just one... "Down with O.P.B." --Other People's Blogs. Yes, there are some great ones o...
Edit your excuses! Stay happy, healthy, and creative.