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The Scoop! Writing Contests with Prizes Up to $15,000

Now that I have your attention...

I just finished up the latest version of The Scoop, a listing of more than 45 writing contests and markets. One of the contests has a prize of $15,000 (hint: it's for a finished book) and has NO ENTRY FEE. If you are already signed up, you probably noticed that the deadline was coming up quickly.

There are many other contests for completed books, short story  or poetry collections, nonfiction books, screenplays, flash fiction, novellas-- even slogans-- and more. I started maintaining this running list last year. I can usually find a market to submit something I've already written--often, more than one (always good to keep send to your top three markets first, as long as the market accepts simultaneous submissions. Always read guidelines carefully.) It's also been a great place to discover new markets to try out. They are often looking for something written to a theme-- it's a great writing prompt!

I keep the listing in the Scoop until the deadlines pass because I don't want to forget about something I saw in January with a May deadline. If it stays in front of me, I can remember that I should be working on it.

Use the Scoop whatever way it works for you! Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions-- I just started sharing this recently. Once you sign up, you'll get the Scoop every month.

If you get something published that you read in The Scoop, please tell me! I would love to share your success here, along with a link to your blog or website.

If you are not signed up to get The Scoop yet, just use the order form for the Excuse Editor Newsletter on the right side of this blog-- And Good Luck!

P.S. If you have signed up and did not get your Scoop today, check your junk mail folder, then make sure info (at) is in your safe list.

Thanks to all the new subscribers!



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