My Story
I thought I would share a bit about being published in these collections. I'm very happy with my Chicken Soup experiences, and part of that may be that I went into it with little expectations at first. I started with them because I had a few stories that seemed to fit what they were looking for, and I thought I had nothing to lose. Unlike some of the other markets and contests I was looking at, submitting to Chicken Soup could be done at no cost to me, and I didn't even need to worry about a postage stamp, because they had an online submission system. I had read these books for years, and because I could always relate to many of the stories, I felt less intimidated than I would have been if I had started by sending my work to a prestigious literary magazine, or to a glossy periodical that rarely accepted unpublished writers.
That beginner's luck served me well as my first two pieces were accepted (Hey, this writing thing's not so tough, I thought). If I would have known what I was up against-- that they receive thousands of submissions for each book, and that chosen submissions are put through multiple readings by many people, and they have to be given the highest "score" in order to be passed up to the co-authors of the book, I may not have tried!
Hurry up and Wait
I've talked with other writers who have submitted to Chicken Soup for the Soul and have discovered another common theme: You need to have patience. For the first few, the turnaround was 2 months from submission until Final Word of approval. This was actually somewhat fast, as you first get notice that you are being considered, then a finalist, and THEN approval. Just because you make the first cut does not mean you are guaranteed to be one of the 101. I had an essay make it to finalist and then was not chosen. After final acceptance and edits, it was another 3-4 months until publication. At that time, I received payment and my author copies.
For the "Thanks, Dad" book, I was sure that my essay wasn't chosen. Unlike other markets, you do not get a rejection letter if your essay is not accepted. I sent my submission in June (2009) and didn't hear from them until December (2009, the book was published in April 2010). Sometimes they will make you aware that a title is not going into production for a time, sometimes not. I would recommend keeping track of slow turnarounds like these on your list of submitted work (you have one of those, right?).
Steps to Publication
Once your essay is being considered, you are asked to sign a release and write a bio for the section at the back of the book, "Meet our Contributors". If you have named someone else in your story, they may feel your subject's permission is necessary, so you may need to obtain that, or you may be able to change the names.
When copies of my edited essays were sent to me for review, I was able to make corrections (a wrong name or place for example). In the case of "Melody of the Heart", it was published in the section of the book called: "Making Grey Hairs--Fathering Teenagers". That was appropriate because I talked about being a teenage brat. The opening quote that Chicken Soup had chosen to open my essay with was also appropriate: "It's difficult to decide if growing pains are something that teenagers have--or are." However, I wanted to focus more on the music that brought my dad and I together, so I asked that my opening quote be changed to: "Where words fail, music speaks. --Hans Christian Andersen". They accepted my edit. (You can read this essay here.)
What's Good for Your Writing Soul?
--or,what I like about writing for Chicken Soup
- You retain your rights, so you can resell the work.
- They may accept previously published work as well (it probably has to be exceptional), as long as you let them know and you own the rights, of course (if unsure, look at your contract and look here for an overview of your rights.
- Payment is usually $100 to $200
- Most everybody has heard of Chicken Soup for the Soul, so the recognition is nice
- They have a syndication agreement, so your essay/your writing has a chance for more exposure online and in newspapers (I was surprised to find "Melody of the Heart" printed in The Oklahoman and other newspapers a few months ago)
--the few drawbacks, with mini-Excuse Edits
- The Competition--I would recommend the same as with any market; send in your best work, and move on to your next project.
- The Wait--again, move on to another market or work. You know how the ABC's of selling are "Always Be Closing"? Well, the ABC's of Writing are "Always Be Composing". Writers write. Keep creating instead of worrying about one submission that you know may take months to be decided.
Find what Chicken Soup is looking for here, and sign up for my newsletter for a monthly listing of Chicken Soup and others looking for submissions.
Read my essays (and others!) in these Chicken Soup books:
Good luck breaking into this market! Let me know if you are one of the lucky 101!
This is a really great post. I've considered submitting to Chicken Soup, and if I do, now I know a little more about the ins and outs. I must make sure it's my very best work or it won't make it out of all those other submissions. Thanks for sharing your experience!
ReplyDeleteA helpful post here for those considering submitting to Chicken Soup anthologies! I've not been published there, but have been published in two Cup of Comfort books. These books are not as well known, but contain stories on similar themes. Some of the process for COC is similar--with the exception of a chance to edit before publication, and the number of author's copies (only one freebie). I agree that you would get more recognition from being published in Chicken Soup, so I hold out hope to have a story there one of these days, too! Thanks for the info'...
ReplyDeleteGood luck, Laura. I've been playing around with a few ideas for the "teens" and "mothers and daughters" themes, and hopefully I will get my act together soon and submit.
ReplyDeleteKenda, the essay that was accepted in "Thanks, Dad" was an edited version of one I had originally sent to Cup of Comfort, it didn't make the cut. I have tried a few times, and didn't break in (yet). I thought it was tougher to get into COC because they only choose 50--so congrats on that!
Good post, Tina. Just got an email about Guideposts wanting submissions for the next book and was giving it some thought. Haven't really researched CSFTS. Congrats on getting into four of them. That's really commendable.
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting this. One of my pieces has been named a "finalist" in one of the Chicken Soup books. You answered my question about whether there was still another round of cuts.
ReplyDeleteInteresting post, Tina. I have just had my fifth piece accepted by CSFTS, and what a rush. I have been submitting to them for years, and nary a response, and suddenly in Sept, I found out one piece had been accepted for the Christmas issue, and another followed on its heels. Now another three! I have likely submitted about 50 articles over the years and I would love it if they decided now was the time for printing all of them. But hey, I am satisfied with what's happening right now. I will keep tuned in to your blog. Uh oh, just noticed it was a 4 year old blog--oh well, someone might plug in.
Elliot Lake ON Canada